We ARE Americans: Undocumented Students Pursuing the American Dream
List two topics related to the introduction and assigned testimonials (“Jerónimo” and “Lilia”) that you believe lend themselves to extended discussion. Also, please use this space to formulate two questions related to the readings, or one of our recurring topics, that can be explored in class.
1) Both Jeronimo and Lilia cannot get jobs because they are undocumented, they cannot get driver’s licsenses or social security cards, or even get into colleges because they are undocumented.
2) Both of them are also very well-educated and picked up English very quickly, but we never hear about stories like these.
1) Why can’t undocumented immigrants get citizenship? Why is no one legalizing them to get them more rights? What can be done to fix this? Do people not care?
2) Why is the word “American” in quotes? Do most immigrants truly feel like they are American, even when Americans treat them so disrespectfully?
Two topics related to the introduction and assigned testimonials:
1) Access to higher education and financial aid for undocumented students.
1) Should undocumented immigrants receive the rights or benefits that lawful permanent residents enjoy?
2) How are undocumented immigrants a net gain or loss to the United States economy?
Two topics related to the introduction and assigned testimonials:
1) The struggle for immigrants to become documented and the issue this posses for undocumented teenagers and workers.
2) We only read stories of high performing students, what are the stories about the students whom have trouble with academics? Or the students that need to help their parents with work? Where do they turn? What motivates the high performing students even though it’ll be extremely difficult for them to become citizens?
Questions related to the readings:
1) How can the government improve it’s policies so it’s easier for immigrants to become citizens? Will policies improve from the election?
2) Why don’t elected politicians support legalization of immigrants even though there are so many benefits to doing this?
1. What is it going to take for people to accept undocumented immigrants as citizens.
2. The introduction and testimonials compared to the election.
1. What if the author had used students that didn’t have the privilege of having parents that also strived for more in life.
2. Why is anti-immigration such a popular belief even as all the evidence supports immigration.
1) College acceptance policies
2) Naturalization Process
1) Because demographics are changing, why can’t the college policy change about the way undocumented students are accepted?
2) Could there be another Plyer v. Doe case but for secondary education?